Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Laugh or Cry?

This country is in terrible shape and it's mostly our (the people) fault. We've lost every sense of pride, work ethic, frugality, caution...

Pride and work ethic are things I run up against every day. when I deal with a homeowner liquid waste installation I know I'm going to find some weird things. Undortunately when I go to a contractor installation I know I'm going to find weird things too.

Here are a few things that stick in my mind. They are funny but at the same time alarming because they represent the deterioration of our society. Bear in mind that these people are "professional" installers.

1. Even though the distribution box was color coded, yellow for the inlet and orange for the outlets, the contractor put it in the wrong way. (The inlet is one inch higher than the outlet, think gravity if you're wondering why it's important).

2. Gravel is supposed to be 3/4 - 2.5 inches in diameter. The contractor used river rock that's about 6 - 10 inches in diameter. Did he not know what gravel to use or did he think we wouldn't notice?

3. The contractor dug a ten foot deep trench for the leach field. The permit said 5 feet, the maximum depth allowed is six feet. Can he read?

4. The contractor put the effluent (not influent, effluent) filter on the inlet to the tank.

So tell me, should I be laughing or crying?


  1. A bit of both I believe. It's the only way to deal with incompetence or you'll drive yourself crazy.

  2. I really appreciate my colleagues because if it wasn't for them I WOULD go crazy.

  3. I agree with YNBs- my husband works in repairing known gas leak lines for our local provider and the things he tells me that go on there are much like what you describe.
    Same with my field-(healthcare)- Simply amazing at some of the incometence we come across occasionally- I have to be honest- I probably cry more than I laugh at that-as sometimes the stupidity really impacts the person in a way- it shouldn't have in the first place and things would have been better for them.
    Much like you- if it weren't for many of my co-workers -I'd really be over the edge!

  4. I can see where it would be much more critical in your job Ann. I know that people make mistakes but there's mistakes and then there's outright incompetence. I try to laugh at it as much as I can but whenever I take the time to think about it it's scary. How did we get to be so incompetent?

  5. I agree with you that there are fewer people with any real sense of pride in the work they do than there used to be. But I think there are still lots of people with good work ethics, just maybe not in this particular company?

  6. I honestly believe, as from what I have witnessed, everyone seems to be in a hurry, to get the job done. Equals- Lets get paid and worry about the mistakes later, it seems.
    Not sure when quanity replaced quality of the work but it appears to be hitting all different sectors of our business world.
    And it's ashame.

  7. Each of these contractors is an independent. There is no single company involved here.

  8. But they don't get away with it Annie. All it does is end up costing them more because I make them fix it.

  9. Hense why we have checks and balances...

  10. They don't seem to be working.


Miri 1994-2009

Miri 1994-2009
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